Hi folks, so here I am back again in Surlej a little village in the Upper Engadine Valley. I arrived on the 20 th of December. We have loads of snow here and the weather is just perfect.

Wonderful sunsets in the evening

The whole family spent christmas together. My little nephew Beppi (Sebastian) was very excited and he got a lot of presents.

A few days later my friend Claudia arrived. Unfortunately I had a bad cold but after two days it got better and I have recovered.

We took a long walk to the Rosegg valley on her first day. We saw some game and we were feeding the little birds.

Yesterday Claudia took a helicopter ride for about half an hour around the whole valley. She said it was amazing.

We will post some more pictures of Claudia that she made from the helicopter in the next few days.

Till then, we wish you all a very happy NEW YEAR !
1 Kommentar:
Hallo Abbey,
hoffentlich bist Du wieder fit - für die anstrengenden Feierlichkeiten zum Jahresende!
Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr, Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit. Und denke daran: jeden Tag mindestens einmal laut lachen!
Viele Grüße von Porry
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