Montag, April 02, 2012

Darmstadt March 2012

Georg Büchner´s memorial tablet at my house in Darmstadt.

I was spending most of my time in my native town Darmstadt during March 2012. We are plannig to reconstruct our roof and are building 6 new flats. Eventhough it was quite stressfull with all the decisions that had to be made and some weird discussions with the executing partners I had to deal with, everything seems to turn out being perfect and right, just the way I wanted it. So I feel a bit exhausted now but I am fine. But that is not what I was to say. The best thing about it, is beeing aware that I have so many wonderful friends  around here helping me trough. I am really thinking about moving back to Darmstadt in the future because some things are much easier to handle. Beside of all this personal experiences I got aware of all the culture in my native town. I will show you some pictures now without  comments. I will  comment  them later. Unfortunately the day I was taking the photos the weather got a bit overcast but I still think that they are o.k.
View from ther rear of the exhibit hall of Mathildenhöhe
 So I will start with the "Mathildenhöhe"
If you want to learn a bit more about Mathildenhöhe just click here.
Entrance to the exhibitions  - permanent and changing
View to the Russian chapel and the "Wedding Tower" also called "Five Finger Tower" designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich
Weddings can be held up in there.
The Kiss
Entrance hall of the Wedding Tower
Entrance door
The room where weddings take pace. 
I could only make photos through the glass door. So unfortunately the pictures aren´t that great.
Cups where the new weds have to drink of after the wedding ceremonies have been fullfilled.
The man drinks out of the big cup whilst his wife is drinking out of the little cup - at the same time.
That reminded me of a poem by Khalil Gibran
Here is a quote from this poem:
Füllt einander den Becher
aber trinkt nicht aus einem Becher
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
The emblem of The House of Hesse
The lion and the lily
Four sculptures from Bernhard Hoetger
 These reliefs are also made by Bernhard Hoetger
Gate next to the Russian Chapel designed by Albin Müller
Here is another link with more photos of Albin Müllers works
Dying mother with child by Bernhard Hoetger
Cupola  at the staircase to one of the exhibition halls designed by Joseh Maria Olbrich
Water carrier and fountain designed by Bernhard Hoetger
Wedding tower and model made for blind people to get an idea about its shape.
Fountain designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich

Residence of Peter Behrens in Darmstadt Mathildenhöhe
Entrance door
 Details - all tiles were custom made
Outdoor lamp
 Gate and entrance door Glückert house designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich
Entrance of the Ernst-Ludwig House "Man and Woman" designed by Ludwig Habich 1900
Foutain designed by Ludwig Habich 1900
Entrance door
Street lamp

 Fountain designed by Albin Müller